Root Disks

You can define disk size and disk type for the controle plane and the worker groups. Please provide this information in the following format:

# Controle plane
disk_size_cp: <INT>
volume_type_cp: <vType>

# Worker
# default
disk_size: <INT>
volume_type: <vType>

<INT> replace this with in positive integer. This is the size of the root disk in Gigabyte.

<vType> is dependent on the used plattform. Please consult the plattform documentation for this information.

The default value schould be default and only be changed if you know that you have different requirements.


  • While choosing a disksize make sure you take in to account that the pulled docker images are living on this disks. So if you have a lot of big docekr images adjust your disk size accordingly.
  • If you use a lot of ephemeral-volumes or store / process large amounts of data adjust your disk size accordingly.
  • if you know you have a lot of k8s API changes consider a higher iops controle plane root disk.
  • If you specify a root disk it will create the corresponding disks in your tenant.

Hint: The default volume is if nothing is specified type: default and size: 20GB